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Blog – Mini with both sidebars

  • Self-defense-awareness-woman

    Self Defense Awareness, pt I

    By Kravstore on 30 augustus 2015

    If you know what to look for, you can recognize a problem as it unfolds and stay one step ahead of…

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    The 5 Stages of Violent Crime

    By Kravstore on 30 augustus 2015

    Most people see violence as a random event. But actually, violent acts, and crimes in general, follow a fairly regular process.


    On Sheep, Sheepdogs and Wolves

    By Kravstore on 30 augustus 2015

    If you have no capacity for violence then you are a healthy productive citizen, a sheep. If you have a capacity…

  • deep dive knife seminar announcement

    Nine Street Fighting Tactics For A Multiple Attacker Fight

    By Kravstore on 29 augustus 2015

    Nine Street Fighting Tactics For A Multiple Attacker Fight.

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    A little bit of knowledge goes a long way!

    By Kravstore on 25 augustus 2015

    Perhaps some of you are feeling overwhelmed by the (seemingly) many techniques we have to learn.
    Krav Maga must cover a huge…